Top 5 tips for your best wax

As summer draws near, it is time to go out in the sun and shed those bulky layers of clothes that we kept wrapped ourselves in all of the winter and some of the spring. Exposure of the skin to the sun and the elements after a prolonged hiatus would naturally mean that you would need to spend some time to get rid of the unwanted hair.

There are two options available to women: they can either shave off the hair or have them waxed off. Shaving is quick and painless, but its results are not as long-lasting as waxing. Waxed skin tends to remain smooth for a long time and resurgence of the hair takes longer too. Many women choose to do their own waxing with a home waxing kit, although, considering that the process can be quite technical, is best to engage the services of the professionals.

Can your skin take the hot wax?

Human skin is extremely sensitive, some more so than that of others. Not every type of skin reacts the same way. Hence it is important to determine if your skin is up to a session of waxing. Also, skin sensitivity changes over time. Medical conditions or simple bruises may alter the way the skin reacts to waxing at different stages of a woman’s life.

In order to be sure, it is important to consult with a physician before booking a waxing appointment to make sure that the application of hot wax won’t affect the skin negatively. If you are suffering from any kind of medical condition involving the use of a topical ointment, be sure to clarify if the waxing session would react with the same.

Prep the skin for the D-Day

Just before attending the waxing session, you need to take extra care of your skin, This means drinking adequate quantities of water and pursuing a healthy diet. Alcohol, smoking or hard exercises should be avoided.

Moisturise the skin regularly as the patchy, dry or cracked skin will sting way more during hard wax hair removal. Also, do not shave off your hair anytime within two weeks of the waxing session. Body hair needs to be a certain length for the waxing session to be fully successful. Shaving will shorten the hair, making it difficult for the waxing strips to grab the hair and uproot them.

No pain, no gain

Waxing is undoubtedly painful. Women should go into the session fully accepting the pain factor. There is nothing much that can be done to alleviate the pain. Keeping the body hydrated before and during the waxing session helps relieve the pain to some extent. Another option is to keep sipping lukewarm green tea or chamomile tea as they have pain-relieving properties.

Women can plan their waxing schedules mindfully. Allergy seasons and times of menstruation should be avoided as much as possible as not only is the skin hyper-sensitive during these times, but the pain experienced is said to be more too.

Go hard or soft on your choice of wax

The choice of the best wax depends on the part of the body that you will be waxing. Hard wax is ideal for waxing areas like the face, underarms or the bikini wax. For large swathes areas like the limbs, soft wax is preferable. There are different brands of waxes available on the market. A home waxing kit will contain these wax beans along with a wax warmer, and some other utilities too.

Be careful about how hot the wax is when you apply it on the skin. You should first do a patch-test on the wrist and see if it stings. If it doesn’t you can proceed to the more sensitive parts like the underarms and the face. On the other hand, if it stings even a little bit, remember that the pain will be far worse on the sensitive parts of the skin.

Take care post-session

Immediately after waxing, many women complain of a tingling and painful sensation, accompanied by redness and slight tenderness. While most of these symptoms will disappear in some time naturally, you can expedite the process by applying a soothing and soft moisturiser on the affected area. Avoid allowing the skin to dry up and do not scratch or pick, as the skin is still raw from all the heath and the tugging.

So if you are headed towards the beach, in that itsy-bitsy bikini, make sure to have your limbs waxed to perfection!

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